Note 1

[ BACK ] Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad here confirms that his claims and the arguments relating to those claims have been correctly stated in his previous books, published prior to this booklet, and in his teachings given over the previous years. He says that those of his followers who have not read his previous books carefully, nor stayed in his company for a sufficient length of time, are unfamiliar with his claims, and therefore give wrong answers to the opponents.

It is absolutely clear from this that, far from introducing any new claim in this booklet, in contradiction of his claims made in earlier books, Hazrat Mirza is confirming and reiterating his previous position. If, as the Qadianis hold, Hazrat Mirza was announcing in this booklet that his previous denials of claiming to be a prophet were in error, and that he now understood that he was actually a prophet, how could he possibly write that if his followers had read his previous books carefully they would obtained a complete and correct knowledge about his claim?

Therefore, the Qadiani assertions are proved to be wrong from the very first line of Ayk Ghalati Ka Izala.

According to what Hazrat Mirza says here, we must study this booklet in conjunction with his earlier books and statements, which are more detailed, in order to understand his claims. This is what we now proceed to do in the following Notes.