1. "Every wise
person can understand that if God is true to His
promise, and the promise given in the Khatam
an-nabiyyin verse, which has been explicitly
mentioned in the Hadith, that now, after the death of
the Holy Prophet, may peace and the blessings of God
be upon him, Gabriel has been forbidden forever from
bringing wahy nubuwwat --- if all these things
are true and correct, then no person at all can come
as a messenger (rasul) after our Holy
Prophet." (Izala Auham, September
1891, p. 577)
2. "After the Khatam
an-nabiyyin, the Holy Quran does not allow the
coming of any rasul, whether he is a new one
or a former one, because a rasul receives
knowledge of religion through the agency of Gabriel,
and the coming of Gabriel as bringing wahy risalat
has been closed. It is self-contradictory that a
messenger (rasul) come into the world, but not
be accompanied by wahy risalat." (ibid.,
p. 761)
3. "It is part of
the concept and essence of rasul that he
should receive religious knowledge through Gabriel,
and it has just been shown that wahy risalat
has been terminated till the Day of Judgment."
ibid., p. 614)
4. "According to
the explanation of the Holy Quran, rasul is he
who receives the commands and tenets of the religion
through Gabriel. But a seal has been put upon wahy
nubuwwat since thirteen hundred years ago. Will
this seal then break?" (ibid., p. 534)
5. "It is my
belief that wahy risalat began with Adam and
ended with the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, may
peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him."
(Announcement dated 2 October 1891, Majmu'a
Ishtiharat, vol. i, p. 231)
6. "If we allow
the appearance of a prophet after our Holy Prophet,
we would have to allow the opening of the door of wahy
nubuwwat after its closure. And this is wrong, as
is not hidden from the Muslims. How can a prophet
come after our Holy Prophet, when revelation has been
cut off after his death, and God has ended the
prophets with him?" (Hamamat al-Bushra,
1894, p. 20)
7. "Our unjust
opponents do not consider the doors of the finality
of prophethood to be fully closed. On the contrary,
they believe that a window is still open for the
return of the Israelite prophet Jesus. If, therefore,
a real prophet appeared after the Quran, and the
process of wahy nubuwwat commenced, then
please explain what would happen to the finality of
prophethood? Will the revelation of a prophet be
called wahy nubuwwat or something else?"
(Siraj Munir, March 1897, p. 3)
8. "The fact that
our Holy Prophet is the Khatam al-anbiya also
requires the death of Jesus because if another
prophet comes after the Holy Prophet, then he cannot
remain the Khatam al-anbiya, nor can wahy
nubuwwat be considered as terminated. ... What
audacity, boldness and insolence it is that, by
pursuing shallow conjectures, one should deliberately
depart from the clear meaning of the Quran and
believe in the coming of a prophet after the Khatam
al-anbiya, and recommence the process of wahy
nubuwwat after its termination! For, the
revelation of the man who possesses the rank of
prophethood is undoubtedly the wahy of nubuwwat."
(Ayyam as-Sulh, August 1898, p. 146)