Revelation in Islam
The Quran and Hadith on continuity of Revelation   This section deals with certain important issues in Islam. A failure to understand them properly has given rise to the misconception that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be a prophet. Also it seems that certain people have deliberately taken advantage of these misconceptions, to create the false impression that Hazrat Mirza did indeed claim prophethood.

The first and foremost issue is the concept of Divine revelation (or God speaking to man) as taught by Islam. With the ending of prophethood after the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the highest form of Divine revelation, which was exclusive to prophets, has also terminated. But lower forms of revelation, which were always received by both prophets and non-prophet holy men alike, still continue.

We first establish from the Holy Quran and the Hadith that revelation continues among Muslims, and explain its purpose. We then present instances of revelation coming to non-prophets, including examples of revelation to the Holy Prophet's Companions during his life-time. We then extensively quote from the writings of recognized Muslim religious authorities and scholars, from the early days of Islam till the present day, to show that revelation continues and give actual instances of revelation coming to various saints.

Lastly, we present Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's views on Wahy Nubuwwat (Revelation of the Prophets) and Wahy Wilayat (revelation of the Saints) and his insistence that he was a recipient of nothing more than Wahy Wilayat. Also, included is Hazrat Mirza's definition of a Muhaddas, the status to which he really lay claim.

Revelation to the Companions of Holy Prophet
Views of Muslim theologians and religious authorities
Revelation and Hazrat Mirza's claim: Wahy Nubuwwat and Wahy Wilayat
Meaning of Muhaddas
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