Second Argument: Explains Khatam an-nabiyyin

[ BACK ] If Hazrat Mirza had indeed been a claimant to prophethood, he could not have given the following interpretation of the title Khatam an-nabiyyin (Seal or Last of the prophets) applied to the Holy Prophet Muhammad in a famous verse (33:40) of the Holy Quran:

``Ma Kana Muhammad-un Aba ahad-in min rijali-kum wa lakin rasul-Allahi wa Khatam an-nabiyyin [Quran, 33:40]. That is to say, Muhammad, peace and the blessings of God be upon him, is not the father of any man from among you, but he is the Messenger of God and the one to end the prophets. This verse too clearly argues that, after our Holy Prophet, no messenger (rasul) shall come into the world.''

(Izala Auham, p. 614)

``The Holy Quran, every word of which is absolute, confirms in its verse wa lakin rasul-Allahi wa Khatam an-nabiyyin that, as a matter of fact, prophethood has ended with our Prophet, peace and the blessings of God be upon him.''

(Kitab al-Barriyya, pp. 184--185, footnote)

``Allah is that Being Who is Rabb-ul-`alameen [Lord of the worlds], Rahmaan [Beneficent], and Raheem [Merciful], Who created the earth and the heavens in six days, made Adam, sent Messengers, sent Scriptures, and last of all made Hazrat Muhammad mustafa, peace and the blessings of God be upon him, who is the Last of the Prophets and Best of the Messengers.''

(Haqiqat al-Wahy, p. 141)